Brad Barton’s Beautiful Monsters

The Book
The book is an 8×10 softcover, perfect bound book with 60+ full color, glossy pages. Each of the 29 featured Beautiful Monsters has a two page spread with their “hero shot” and on the facing page, one other image plus a brief, romantic line or two about her.

The Sessions
Would you like to become a Beautiful Monster? You now can get your own private Beautiful Monster Session starting at just $399. (These sessions are not included in the book.) Contact Brad at Brad Barton, Artist for More Information.

The Game
The Beautiful Monsters are going to be featured in a new game titled The Darkling Veil, available here from Wooly Pelican. Coming Soon
Monster Backers
Special thanks go out to these backers that donated $250 or greater to the Kickstarter:
- Laura Callahan
- Angela McNabb
- Ruby
- Anya
Additional Thanks to the Other Kickstarter Backers:
- Tim Walters
- Johnny Sutterfield
- Andrew Friedrich
- darkserra
- Winston Kou
- Lori Ramsey Tassin
- Kevin Daugherty
- Shelly Matityahu
- Aysun the Mermaid
- Megan Hammonds
- Scott Klein
- Amy Wurdock
- John Wood
- Michael Telford
- Tosh Thomas
- Kathryn Hill
- Colin Knight
- Michael Scuderi
- Michael Lyons
- Steven List
- Doug
- John Skotnik
- Whitney Slatten
- Sabrina Brown
- Scarlett
- Jenn Rinella